October 6, 2015

School Excursions-Not for everyone

School excursions = Global citizen ? Since when does a School excursion transform your life forever. Since when did it pack in memories for a whole week and create memories in faraway lands with strangers. Agree, we still hold some of our school trips as one of our fondest and most wildest childhood memories but that didn't mean we were less experimentative or less adventurous. Days when school excursions meant packing more than sandwiches and happy smiles, outing with close friends and our favourite teachers. School excursions have since become such a commercial venture that it needs to be outsourced.
On one hand, teachers are overworked are overburdened with school work. But everyone needs a stress buster and schools provide environments that are routine like and supervised at all times. Outdoor excursions provide that student teacher bonding like nothing else does. The teacher that is spontaneous, can dance like shes got music in her feet and the teacher thats adventurous and strumming her guitar at the evening bonfire ! its magical moments like this that are treasured forever. We are slowly losing our green spaces to the city concrete jungle so outings to reserve parks are getting fewer and far more spaced out. As i swift through the latest excursion mail on 'Trip to Maldives with an adventure Group' for my 5th Grader, yes this is a reality and not fabricated , i will reminisce and remember fondly my river rafting day trip with my Geography teacher and the songs sung as we discovered ourselves and our teachers beyond the walls of our classroom.

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