April 1, 2012

Hong Kong-- My fleeting tease

Hong Kong for 3 days is asking to cram everything in and enjoy the sights and sounds of this bustling beautiful city in a constricted sort of way. We got 3 days because we were enjoying the small weekend getaways from Beijing that working life permits. Beijing was our home city for the moment. Unpredictable bleak Beijing with unending winter days coupled with gale winds enough to knock you off your feet we so badly wanted to get away from. Hong Kong was going to be that breath of fresh air (literally) and the weekend without the kids that we so badly needed. It is the month of April, so Beijing is turning warmer and rainy. Hong Kong enjoys a sub tropical climate with the 2 main seasons hot and humid and the distinctive monsoon period. All warming and inviting thoughts as we embark on this quick getaway.

Before boarding and leaving Beijing behind, we had to ensure the mom in law was well prepared and equipped to handle the remote home environment taking into account handling of two very young kids. Language being a huge barrier , we tried to hoard the fridge with a weekends worth of goodies and thereby discourage any means of venturing beyond the walls of the huge chaoyang park complex. We informed our American friends who resided in the next block about our short excursion and they willingly exchanged numbers setting us off at ease.

Having booked ourselves online at The Regal Hotel in Kowloon city , we were excited to set eyes on this much talked about chinese city and yet thriving within the monoplostic and crushing hands of the giant that we were so relieved to leave behind, if only temporarily. We had the intention to open an HSBC account here in Kowloon so we did feel that this was not just a pleasure trip, though the entire operation at HSBC would take no more than 30 minutes!

We weren't too impressed with the hotel standards , but the location near the waterfront is great, accessible and overall peaceful.

Over the next 2 days, we roamed around by foot to enjoy the crammy lanes, flashing lights , chatty vendors of Hong Kong.

Kowloon is really a tourist delight with the charming bars, night markets , overpacked shopping stores and restaurants.

We did hop over to the other side, which is spotless and luxurious. Loved the trip to the The Peak. We took the bus on the way up and then cabbed it back down. The Peak gives such a splendour view of the city permitting clear weather.

Stanley Market was one of our must dos in the south coast. Great bargain stalls and cafes dot this quaint place. We enjoyed a beer in the hot and humid weather and managed shopping on the way out at their delightful array of shops to hop onto a scenic cab drive back to the harbour.

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